How to install and configure Kibana on AWS

Kibana is basically the visualisation tool of Elasticsearch. In this blog you can find the installation procees of all the parts of ELK – Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana. If you havn’t yet installed Elasticsearch and logsatsh feel free to click: How to install and configure Elasticsearch

How to install and configure Logstash

So first, let’s brifely go over the purpose of Kibana in the ELK stack


This picture is very helpfull to understanding what is the purposes of Kibana.

1. The data of the logs is being collected by Logsatsh

2. Elasticsearch stores the data and  allows full text search, structured search, performing analytics etc.

3.Visualise data – in a browser-based analytics and search dashboard

Step 1: Installation

The first step is getting the installation from the official website:

[root@kibana ~] wget

Next, extract the file:

[root@kibana ~] tar xzf kibana-4.0.1-linux-x64.tar.gz

Step 2: Configuration

Next let’s go into the Kibana directory:

[root@kibana ~] cd kibana-4.0.1-linux-x64

Open the yml configuration file:

[root@kibana ~] vi config/kibana.yml 

Now the only thing we need to configure in here is the URL  of Elasticsearch.

Find the line elasticsearch_url and append your url:

elasticsearch_url: "ELASTICSEARCH_URL_HERE"

Step 3: Finishing up

Now, le’ts run Kibana by using the following command:

[root@kibana ~] nohup ./bin/kibana &


* Make sure that port 5601 is open in your security group!

The last step: openning your kibana. nevigate to the page:


And that’s it.. you have a full ELK stack.

1 Comment

  1. Pingback: How to install and configure Logstash in AWS

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